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Ahmedabadites faced another problem? New disease shows increased tension,

Ahmedabadites faced another problem? New disease shows increased tension, The health department of the municipal corporation has become alert due to
Rajesh Prajapati

 Ahmedabadites faced another problem? New disease shows increased tension,

The health department of the municipal corporation has become alert due to the increasing cases of measles in Ahmedabad. Areas in the city where urban health centers have 2 confirmed cases and more than 5 suspected cases have been declared clusters. festival

Maximum cases observed in these areas

Maximum cases of measles have been observed in Bahrampura, Danilimda, Juhapura, Maktampura, Gollimda and Rakhial of Ahmedabad city. Mun. In the detailed report on this matter in the Health Committee, 457 cases have been reported out of 1661 suspected cases in the city.

The Health Department wrote a letter to the Education Department

Let us tell you that recently the health department wrote a letter to the education department with the guidelines and identification of the symptoms of measles. In which it was urged not to send the child to school until he is fully recovered. At the same time, the health department appealed to the parents to start the treatment of their children immediately without getting involved in other rumours.

Urgent not to send the child to school if symptoms appear

The Health Department of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation had written to the education officer and informed that if a child shows symptoms of measles, the child should be immediately reported to the Community Health Center or Urban Health Center and the child should be discharged immediately. Apart from this, the health department urged not to send the child to school until he is fully recovered.

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