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Rajesh Prajapati


Attempts are being made to create e-content from all directions on an individual basis, but in the Gujarati language,  |  There seems to be a dearth of e-content that can be useful in education.  At a time when the use of digital platforms for education among students is on the rise and the National Education Policy-2020 has placed special emphasis on e-content creation, we have to create quality e-content. 

 The mind has to go through all its conceptual matters.  Creating e-content * What is e-content?  .. by different experts.  Given accordingly.  “G - content can be d n be defined as digital text and images designed for display on webpages.  Content created in digital form with text and pictures.  "E-content is content in digital (electronic) form. 

વિદ્યાર્થી શૈક્ષણિક લૉન વિશેની પીડીએફ ફાઈલ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

વિદ્યાર્થી શૈક્ષણિક લૉન વિશે વધુ માહિતી માટે વિડીયો જોવા  માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

 This theme is a combination of text, pictures, sound, video and animation.  "Simply put, e-content can define e-content in a different form, which can give the consumer a proper understanding, motivate them to experiment, approve of the infallible, and the subject matter in digital form that can be used frequently."  The definition of e-content in the Oxford Dictionary • What is the format of e-content?  

તારીખ-3-3-2022 ના રોજ SMC, SMDC તાલીમ અન્વયે Teleconference ના આયોજન બાબત લેટર વાંચવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

E-content should be such that it provides an environment of virtual learning, satisfies the need for self-study literature and enhances the knowledge and understanding of the user.  Such e-content can be in the form of text, graphics, audio, video, animation or any of its compositions.  Classify e-content in various forms as follows. 

ગુજરાત બજેટ 2022 અહીંથી વાંચો

This is a very simple form of e-content in the form of text.  Such e-content is presented in text form.  Such content is less effective in the learning process.  Yet its effectiveness depends on how well it adjusts to the subject matter.  Written e-content can be easily placed on a web page.  It can be easily seen in every type of operating system.  

આજની બાયસેગ તાલીમના મુખ્ય મુદ્દા

Whatsapp પર હવે ચપટી વગાડતા જ જાણી શકશો બેંક બેલેંસ, જાણો કેવી રીતે

તમારા બાળકનું પણ આધાર કાર્ડ ન હોય તો આ જાણી લેજો

No special Plug-ims Softwares or additional hardware is required to view such e-content.  Most of the content found in Wikipedia is in this form.  E-content in graphics form can be more effective than pictorial representation of text.  Therefore, if pictorial representation is made with the text, its effectiveness will increase.  Graphics form e-content is presented along with text through pictures, photographs, charts etc.  

મિશન સ્કૂલ ઓફ એક્સીલેન્સ પ્રોજેકટ શું છે અહીંથી વાંચો

Good e-content can be a combination of more than one form, e-content combined with different forms can be effective.  The various encyclopedias available in the market in the form of software are this type of composite e-content. In terms of interaction, e-content can be classified into two types.  This e-content has less interaction.

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