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Rajesh Prajapati


You will remember the character of Rancho from the movie 'Three Idiots' by judging today's talking ability.  Rancho's character, with its innovative approach and radical vision built into the walls of the degree, opened the eyes of academics and the people of the society to the concept of getting a higher degree in science, medical and engineering.  

It doesn't matter which discipline you choose to pursue a degree in, but it does matter which subject or field you are interested in and your enthusiasm and drive in that direction.  The idea that there should be an education that develops the insights and skills that lies within the student was given by the motivating character of Rancho in the film.  

By combining all the useless and discarded tools, he creates an innovation and accomplishes the work in a way that amazes us.  Rancho guides children to innovate by cultivating creativity.  The rancho is remembered today because of the presence of a group of villages on an island twelve kilometers from the city of Cuttack in Odisha. 

 The island is known as Mauja.  Anil Pradhan, the school teacher of this village, gives vision to the children of the school for new discoveries and teaches them the necessary technology lessons.  For him, education is not a holistic approach to different subjects, but the learning he has received is put into practice. 

*✍️ધોરણ-1 ગુજરાતી*

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✍️ધોરણ-4 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-5 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-6 ગણિત*

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*✍️ધોરણ-8 ગણિત*

*✍️ધોરણ-10 વિજ્ઞાન*

*✍️ધોરણ-12 ગણિત*

 Another surprise was that a farmer from Baral village in Odisha came and asked Anil, "Hey brother, what does the word 'innovation' mean?"  Anil, surprised to hear such a question from a farmer, asked, "Who taught you this word?"  

રાજસ્થાનમાં ફરી શાળાઓ ખુલશે. તારીખો કરવામાં આવી જાહેર*

સ્વ મૂલ્યાંકન કસોટી રિપોર્ટ તા.30/1/2022

હિમાચલના કર્મચારીઓને મળી ભેટ! DA માં થયો 3 ટકાનો વધારો, સરકારે કરી જાહેરાત

ઓફ લાઇન શિક્ષણ મુદ્દે આજે લેવાશે નિર્ણય વિસ્તૃત સમાચાર અહીંથી વાંચવા

The farmer replied, "Yesterday evening when my son Vasudev was separating the spare parts of his bicycle one by one, I asked him in a slightly harsh voice," Alya, what are you doing?  And then he replied, 'I'm innovating.  And in fact this student of Anil's International Public School for Rural Innovation (IPSFRI) in Baral is interested in research.  

પશ્ચિમ બંગાળ રાજ્યમાં 3 ફેબ્રુઆરીથી ધોરણ 8 થી 12ની શાળાઓ શરૂ કરવાની જાહેરાત કરવામાં આવી.

*શિક્ષણ વિભાગ ઓફિશિયલ સ્પષ્ટતા  ક્યાં સુધી ઓનલાઇન શિક્ષણ ચાલુ રહેશે તે બાબતનો શિક્ષણ વિભાગ નિયામકનો લેટેસ્ટ લેટર

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