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Rajesh Prajapati


4 Memory, storage units and data - representations that humans remember, retain in mind and retrieve when needed, as well as the computer to store data and instructions for future use.  Need.  Memory is a part of the pigeon, where the day and instructions are stored. 


 Khutar has done with different types of camry.  There are two main types of memory: (1) primary memory (main memory / main memory) and (2) secondary memory (primary memory / auxiliary memory).  Information is stored in the memory of a digital computer in the form of the numbers 0 and no.  These binary digits are abbreviated as hes.  A bit is a binary digit, which is or is 1.  A set of 8 bits is called a byte (yte).  

The storage capacity of computer memory is measured in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB).  Table 4.1 shows the relationship between these terms.  1 bit = u single digit, cither 1 or 0 8 bits = 1 byto, combination of I's and O's 21 Bytes = 1024 Bytos = 1 KB (kilobyte) 2 Bytes = 1024 Kilobytes - 1 MB (megabyte) 220 Bytes = 1024 Megubytes =  1 GB (gigabyte) 2 * Bytes = 1024 Gigabytes = 1 TB (terabyte) Coke 41 The measurement of the computer's storage capacity sutul sud (Primary Memory): Primary memory is also known as main memory.  


It is a part of the waist, in which the data is stored quickly by the computer's processor.  Primary memory contains a large number of cells.  Each coll is identified by a number, called the air of save.  Data is stored in each cell.  When the stomach is needed, the cell address is used to retrieve that day.  Primary memory is configured in such a way that the time to store or retrieve death has nothing to do with the cell's address.  That is, any location of memory can be chosen nandomly.  

This memory is Random Aooer Memory - RAM Y. There are other ways to get a date that is not random but also random access. For example, how to get a cum, first in out (FIRO) way and  The sequence is stored in a long string in a long string, either sequentially or evenly, when you want to retrieve a portion of that sting.  You have to go through the front of that sting, the way you have to go through the first two if you want to hear the third song in the audio tape. 

FIRO is like a row in which the turn of the first entrant comes first and the last one last.  The number also remains final. The IPO can be compared to one of the papers. The paper you put last on the plate comes out first.



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