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Unalu vacation babat samachar
Rajesh Prajapati


Presence of evidence.  Mom: Don't worry son!  A little bit of sugar kills the dizziness.  Golu: Dizziness?  Grandmother: Do you want to make winter a guest by throwing sugar in winter?  Golu, Chaal: Consuming my grains with honey in the kitchen with me.  Eliminate the problem of cold. 


 ‘Pepper o pepper, • I need to mix my powder in honey and drink o pepper, I increase memory.  If you really have a toothache or bleeding, you need to keep it between your teeth and die by chewing: why did you remember this, Grandma, I am giving you relief.  Say?

  Grandmother with mint in respiratory problems: This golu is dizzy.  Adding in buttermilk removes the problem of drinking.  Pepper: If I have stomach problems with powdered ghee and sugar, taking it in grapes will make me dizzy and run away with a vertical tail.

  I find it very beneficial to mix the powder and eat it.  "Black pepper is solid, if the throat gets sore, ghee and cures your dizziness.  Eating with sugar proved to be very useful. Grandma: I think you are a black hero.  I also get rid of cough.  Shall I tell everyone about your uses?  તો Even if there is gas in the stomach, my pepper: why not?  Grandmother. 


 The intake is beneficial so that in cooking everyone uses my • my powder mixed with ghee.  The rashes on the skin are removed and put in the cooking of the eyes and two, three or two, weakness is also removed.  Then eat as many fritters as you like.  • Sesame seeds in the problem of joint pain: Pepper, if you really warm me with black diamond oil and apply it on the place of pain, the pain also goes away.  Grandmother: Listen to me. 

 To avoid heart disease, eat a teaspoon of my “black pepper, put the powder in a glass of water and go swimming every day.  I am very useful if drunk in the morning.  Pepper: Thank you Grandma, come on.  0 Walinda Primary School, Ta.  Dholera, Dist.  Ahmedabad-2.


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