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Rajesh Prajapati


Felt.  Vandrabhai said, “I fell in the forest.  While the hunter was leaving his bag, my baby ran to the tree.  Putting Vandrabhai's baby out of the bag and telling him to stay there, Vandrabhai clung to him.  Yes, but when he came back, Vandrabhai was not very embarrassed. 


 I searched the whole forest but he and I apologized to all the birds in the forest nowhere to find my baby.  He asked and now he promised not to make a storm on the tree. At the same time, he promised that a falcon would fly.  Came up.  

He reported that he had seen a hunter in the forest, even though no one was helping us.  If all the birds were in trouble, we started flying in that direction.  They should be helped by forgetting the vengeance behind them.  Vandrabhai also started doing pahup.  A little farther on the birds saw the hunter go.  Eagles, hawks and other birds on the hunter

National Pollution Prevention Day Pallavi Gupta “Grandpa!  Where do you go every morning  'Walk to celebrate National Pollution Control Day.  Why do you go to the eighth standard chintra early in the morning while preparing the essay for?  But he got there.  Chinte said, "Yes Raju, the air is fresh in the morning, fresh, the air is pure and also unclean.  


Polluted means.  Air is called unclean air.  How is the air pure and impure?  How can air be polluted?  Innocent Raju, who was studying in the fourth grade, immediately asked his grandfather who was walking.  Raju asked many questions at once.  Grandpa: "Someone deliberately pollutes the air." Hey, let Grandpa breathe.  Don't make milk. 

 Bringing two glasses, one was given to one grandfather and the other to Raju as he got out of the vehicles on the road, said the mother.  Smoke mixes with the air and pollutes it.  After drinking milk, Raju again made his mark: "Yes!  Mills, factories, opened a barrage of questions.  Toxic fumes from factories also pollute the air.  How can such toxic air be impure in respiration?  The dying man dies.  Grandpa: That's right, son!  That is, stay away from places where there are mills or factories.



મોંઘવારી ભથ્થા બાબત સમાચાર વાંચો

કોરોનાથી બીજી લહેર માં બહાર નીકળો તો આટલું ધ્યાન રાખો વાંચો અહીં ક્લિક કરો

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