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Matdan jagruti quiz, matdata quiz, mtdan sudharan jagruti quiz,
Rajesh Prajapati


The gap between theory and practice is also an eternal problem.  Learning - To make the teaching process more fruitful, it is necessary to bridge the gap between the two.  Innovation of the curriculum requires special attention to these matters during its trial and implementation process.  The goal of universalizing elementary education has not yet been achieved.  


Teacher-training needs to address this challenge in a comprehensive way.  We have come across some important factors as to why the goal of universalization of elementary education has not been achieved.  Lack of fun, participation and motivational learning - the teaching process are the main reasons.  

Teacher-instructors must redesign their strategies to bring about the desired improvement in student-teacher behavior during training.  Initiatives taken by the National Teacher Training Council The National Teacher Training Council, which controls all aspects related to teacher training and handles vocational work, has seriously considered improving the quality of pre-service as well as in-service teacher training.  In this context, the capabilities, commitments and areas of work of the teachers have been defined.  

The National Council for Teacher Training called upon the teachers and instructors from all over the country to assist in this task and organized many meetings and workshops at various places.  As a result of these discussions and activities, a common structure emerged.  The performance of teachers was a fundamental issue.  Especially in the context of the success of the MLLP program of ability-based learning at the primary level, the teacher's own performance-oriented ability draws attention.  

Therefore, there is an urgent need to train primary teachers to develop their performance-oriented capacity in terms of capacity-based teaching-learning activities.  Appropriate abilities can also be inculcated in their students on the basis of the functional abilities instilled in the teachers in this way.  With this in mind, a competency-based and commitment-oriented teacher-training program has been prepared and it has identified ten types of competencies required in a teacher, five types of commitments and five types of performance areas.  

The challenge for the implementation of this curriculum of competency based teacher training is to locate the specifically specified competencies and add the missing competencies.  Teacher-instructors need to ensure that students-teachers acquire these abilities by adopting the right approach and geography. 




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