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Azim Premji, India's largest 'Bhamasha': donated Rs 22 crore daily

Azim Premji, India's largest 'Bhamasha': donated Rs 22 crore daily,India's first ten philanthropists
Rajesh Prajapati

 Azim Premji, India's largest 'Bhamasha': donated Rs 22 crore daily

Aldgiv Aaron India Philanthropy 2020 List 'was announced. According to this list, the biggest philanthropist in India or Bhamasha is Azim Premji of Wipro. He has donated Rs 7904 crore in a year. That is an estimated Rs 22 crore a day.

Second on the list is Shiv Nadar of HCL Technology, who has donated Rs 795 crore. In third place is Mukesh Ambani with Rs 458 crore. Gujarat's leading industrialist Adani has also been very stingy in donating. He ranks ninth with a paltry sum of Rs 88 crore.

After Korona, Azim Premji announced a donation of Rs 1,125 crore on April 1. It is also included in this amount. Premji has already announced to donate 67 per cent of his santapi.

The report says that Azim Premji is a role model for donors in India. Both Aaron and Aldgev compile a list of charities in India each year. This list covers the period from 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020.

In addition to the organization, the list also includes individuals who have donated to the company from their own income. The list includes 37-year-old Binny Bansal, co-founder of Flipkart, as the only philanthropist under the age of 40. The amount he donated is Rs five crore.

The total number of philanthropists in the list is 112. Together, they donated Rs 12,050 crore, an increase of 175 per cent over last year. In addition, the number of donors who donated more than Rs 100 million increased to 78 out of 37.

According to the sector, education has received the most donations. A total of 9,324 donations have been received in education. This was followed by donations to Health (667 crore), Disaster Relief-Management (359 crore), Rural Development (274 crore) and Environment Development (181 crore). According to the city, the highest number of 36 philanthropists came from Mumbai. Then there are 20 philanthropists from Delhi and 10 from Bangalore.

India's first ten philanthropists

Azim Prameji (Wipro)    7904 crore

Shiv Nadar Family (HCL)    795 crore

Mukesh Ambani (Reliance)  458 crore

Kumar Mangalam Birla (Aditya Birla)

276 crore

Anil Agarwal (Vedanta)   215 crore

Ajay Piramal (Piramal)  196 crore

Nandan Nilekani (Infosys) 159 crore

Hinduja Brothers (Hinduja)  133 crore

Gautam Adani (Adani)  88 crore

Rahul Bajaj (Bajaj)  74 crore

Read here in Gujarati

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