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In the first month of the new year, bank employees will have many holidays. Because banks will be closed for 14 days in January. RBI has announced the list of holidays.

In the first month of the new year, bank employees will have many holidays. Because banks will be closed for 14 days in January. RBI has announced the
Rajesh Prajapati

 In the first month of the new year, bank employees will have many holidays. Because banks will be closed for 14 days in January. RBI has announced the list of holidays.

Reserve Bank of India has released the bank holiday list for the year 2023. There will be a total of 14 bank holidays in the first month of the year i.e. January 2023. There are four Sundays in January. On this day there will be a weekly holiday in the bank. 

Banks will remain closed on second and fourth Saturdays as well. Not only this, banks will be closed for a few days in the first month of the year due to some festivals and special days. If you are going to visit a bank branch on any day next month, check the list of holidays first.

It is worth mentioning that banks across the country will not be closed for 14 days in January 2023. List of holidays declared by the Reserve Bank of India, many of which are national holidays, while some are local or regional holidays.

 Bank branches are closed only on regional holidays in respective states. So it is not necessary that on the day when the banks in Punjab are closed, the banks in Gujarat also do not work.

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