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Offline Mode education

Offline Mode education Offline Mode: In situations where internet connectivity is not available or available with very less bandwidth, resources are
Rajesh Prajapati

 Offline Mode education 

Offline Mode: In situations where internet connectivity is not available or available with very less bandwidth, resources are shared through various platforms like television, radio etc that don't depend on internet connectivity

Televislon- Majority of the population in India has a television along with DTH/ Cable connection. Some of the models of using television as part of digital education are:

Model 1: Class wise and topic-wise resources transmitted on TV channels (DTH and Cable TV) like SWAYAM Prabha, Vande Gujarat, Victor Channel, MANA TV etc. Such contents can be easily accessed and utilised by students and teachers using television available at home.

Model 2:Sharing through pen drive/ DVD/ CD with class wise topic wise resources like video lectures/ demonstrations/ stories etc that be viewed through some of the resources newer sets TV if available at


Model 3: Incase where TV is also not available with student, community television which is available in panchayat union office, or in publicplaces can be used for mass education.

Model 1: Class-wise, topic-wise audio content can be broadcasted through dedicated radio channels with support of AlR. Audio programmes organised through All India Radio (AIR) stations as per the curricularneeds.

Radio-It is perhaps the most cost effective medium when TV is also not available or when power supply is

Model 2: Community/ FM radio channels utilised to broadcast teaching-lcarning resources and at times customised to address the local needs.

વિદ્યા પ્રવેશ શાળા તત્પરતા તાલીમ મોડ્યુલ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો 

Model 3: Incase where radio is also not available with student, community radio, if available in panchayat union office, or in public places, can also be utilised along with loud speakers for mass education in some generic 

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક

બદલી ફોર્મ જમા કરાવવા સાથે જોડવા ના આધાર પુરાવા નું લીસ્ટ જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો 

પ્રતિભાશાળી શિક્ષક એવોર્ડ ફાઈલ નમુનો

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