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Life Learning Coding: Learning with fun - Compilation - This article talks about coding.

Life Learning Coding: Learning with fun - Compilation - This article talks about coding.
Rajesh Prajapati

 Life Learning Coding: Learning with fun - Compilation - This article talks about coding.  Coding is a method of talking to a computer.  By coding we can build software, websites, applications and videogames, this article is useful for everyone.  It has been almost two years since we were identified with the Corona, during which time we can see the devastating effects of the epidemic. 

 During this period all social distance, isolation, home quarantine, workfrome, mask, N - 95.  Some new words like sanitizer were introduced and used in everyday life.  In the same period, National Education Policy-2020 was also placed before us.  It was also discussed by a number of experts in preparation for its implementation. 

 It was mentioned by almost every speaker that in the National Teacher Policy-2020, it is recommended to integrate information and communication technology at every stage of education.  After the introduction of the National Education Policy, some words resounded in this regard.  Words like ... coding, artificial intelligence, machine learning, depolarizing, e-content etc. became popular.  

This is because the National Education Policy states that children will learn coding along with schooling and especially children will start learning coding from upper primary art.  Initiatives were also taken to introduce coding to students and teachers from across the nation.  As a teacher, teaching children coding requires understanding and preparation.  

GIET અને GCERT આયોજિત ગ્રીષ્મહોત્સવ 2022માં રજીસ્ટ્રેશન કેમ કરવું તેનો વિડીયો અહીંથી જુઓ

GIET અને GCERT આયોજિત ગ્રીષ્મહોત્સવ 2022માં રજીસ્ટ્રેશન કરવાની લિંક 1

GIET અને GCERT આયોજિત ગ્રીષ્મહોત્સવ 2022માં રજીસ્ટ્રેશન કરવાની લિંક 2

GIET અને GCERT આયોજિત ગ્રીષ્મહોત્સવ 2022માં રજીસ્ટ્રેશન કરવાની લિંક 3

The question is, what is coding and why should we teach coding?  This curiosity is the first step in clarifying the concept of coding.  What is coding ?: Simply put, coding is a way of communicating with a computer.  The computer has to give sequential instructions to perform certain tasks.  The computer cannot understand this instruction in our language.  

Coding is the process of giving such instructions to a computer in a language that the computer understands.  By coding we can create software, websites, applications and video games.  We know that a computer is an electronic device.  Computers can easily solve many confusing problems.  But the computer cannot solve the problem, it is only helpful in solving the problem.  To solve the problem, the computer has to provide a complete set of logical instructions.  

These instructions tell the computer what to do at each stage.  Coding is the process of writing instructions that tell a computer what to do.  Computer programmers write instructions using specific computer languages ​​and these instructions allow the computer to run complex programs.  Why learn coding?  : Learning coding is important for children, because coding is a computer program as well as some of those important life skills;  

Teaches critical thinking, problem solving and creativity.  .  Practicing coding helps children solve problems.  Problem solving skills are a skill that is very useful in everyday life.  We all want our children to be excellent problem solvers so that they can cope with any adversity in life.  The study of coding provides an opportunity for children to develop this type of skill at an early age, which can help them for the rest of their lives.

ગુગલ ગર્લનો વિડીયો અહીંથી જુઓ

ગુગલ ગર્લના સમાચાર અહીંથી વાંચો

  Understanding the computer and learning the basics of coding helps children understand how things work.  Coding also teaches children how a software engineer uses mathematics to solve problems logically and creatively.  In order to teach skills from the age of children, coding should be taught in schools.  Computer recording challenges children and helps them develop flexibility.  

નવી ભરતી સ્થળ પસંદગી પહેલા વધ ઘટ, જિલ્લા આંતરિક તથા જિલ્લાફેર એમ તમામ બદલી કેમ્પો કરવા બાબત રજુઆત - ગુજરાત રાજ્ય પ્રાથમિક શિક્ષક સંઘ

Assuming children learn to code, they develop the ability to try again after failure, they learn that failure is not a bad thing, but in fact it can often be a beneficial thing, as it can prove to be an opportunity to learn.  (January - 205 20_ | Life Learning When someone fails and then tries again, they can learn from their mistakes.  So the child will learn that it is fun to find fault with coding that does not give the desired result or not. 2. Coding teaches children how to think. 

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક

દિક્ષા પોર્ટલ પર MAT કોર્સ માં વિદ્યાર્થીઓને જોડવા બાબત લેટર વાંચવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો 

Learning coding teaches children how to think.  That is not to teach, but to learn how to think differently. The choreographer thinks logically because he is able to write effectively.  Kids believe that the ultimate problem is that they have to use their creativity to create someone. The first solution doesn't work, they pump B.  That is until they try again.  This kind of coding helps to dispel thinking.  

વિધાનસભા ચૂંટણી 2022 માટે માહિતી માંગતો લેટર

પ્રજ્ઞા અભિગમ અંતર્ગત ધોરણ ૧ /૨ ના શિક્ષકોની તાલીમ યોજવા બાબત

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