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Rajesh Prajapati


Early life constructive assessment is used and assessment in different contexts of skills or concepts is done to make sure that the child's deep understanding and ability to experiment have been acquired by the child.  

 C. Evaluation of competency-based learning: Emphasis is placed on constructive assessment, which helps teachers understand what students are facing difficulties as well as misunderstandings, so that they can increase collaboration and improve their academic performance and where they need improvement.

  Can respond.  Assessment is used as a tool of guidance, which is meaningful and gives children positive educational experiences.  Children actively participate in the formation of their own knowledge, critical thinking and problem-solving skills along with good communication skills, collaboration and cultural response help to work in an ever-changing customized environment.

  It is necessary to focus on the capabilities arising from the combination of competencies of the fields of values.  Life skills are defined as a set of abilities, tendencies, socio-emotional abilities.  Which enables a person to learn, to be aware of decisions and to practice leading a healthy and productive life and then to be a carrier of change. 

 Life skills promote mental well-being and abilities in children so that they can face the reality of life.  These skills help in the development of basic skills like literacy, numeracy, digital skills.  B. Decision Making Skills: Making good decisions is a life skill that every child learns from an early age.  Children must make decisions and make choices. 

 The decision-making process involves identifying the problem, aggregating the data base, creating a sequence of possible actions, evaluating the options, and making informed decisions based on the information available.  The curriculum should be based on making connections, creating new knowledge based on prior knowledge, and engaging students in meaningful activities related to real life. 

 Joining the project, the children get used to the institutional, collaborative, time management.  C. Planning Skills: Children learn from routines, schedules and habits.  Equally important is teaching children the value of caring, caring, working collaboratively, putting toys back in the right place, tidying up space, keeping clean, and sharing classroom experiences with parents.  

*✍️🔰📚તા:03/02/2022 નું હોમ લર્નિંગ ડાયરેક યુટ્યુબ ના માધ્યમથી.👇🏽*

*✍️🔰📚વિદ્યાર્થી મિત્ર તમારા ધોરણની નીચે આપેલી લિંક ખોલીને આજનું ઓનલાઈન શિક્ષણ મેળવો યુટ્યુબ ના માધ્યમથી...*

*✍️ધોરણ-3 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-4 હિન્દી*

*✍️ધોરણ-5 અંગ્રેજી*

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*✍️ધોરણ-10 ગણિત*

*✍️ધોરણ-12 ગણિત*

The place at school and at home should be arranged in such a way that the child knows where to place his belongings like school bags, shoes, clothes etc.  This will provide safety to the children and they will learn to develop self control and focus.  Inform the children of each day's expectations such as - adjusting everything after the activities, returning the relevant toys.  

*ઈંતજારનો અંત:* દેશનો સૌથી મોટો એલઆઈસીનો આઈપીઓ માર્ચમાં ખૂલશે 


Also inculcate the value of routine and schedule in children from an early age.  D. Communication Skills: To build healthy social and emotional skills, it is important to prepare the child for daily communication with others and for the interaction that makes them feel personal high touch.  Children also need to be careful when adults listen, talk, and respond while providing undivided attention to children.

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