1. Central Processing Unit - CPU (Central Processing Unit - CPU): The word computer is becoming very popular today. It can be easily used by the common man for home, office, or other daily business or personal work. . Data Data. Arithmatic & Logic Unit (C.P.U. - Central Processing Unit) Input Device: The main function of a computer input device is to input external information into a computer.
E.g. Various input devices are used to enter information into the computer in the form of sound, pictures and letters. Data: Any type of information added inside a computer is called data. * CPU (CPU): The information given here is analyzed as per instructions, which is called Central Processing Unit. The main part of which is Control Unit and Arithmetic Logic Unit. Output Device: The CPU on the data input into the computer.
The information obtained after analysis from the CPU is known as the output. Central Processing Unit Monitor (VDU): The most common output unit that is available with almost every type of computer is called a visual display unit. VDU Information on can be expressed in both letters and pictures. VDUA is a unit of the type of television used in the home. On the screen of which the information emitted from the computer is represented.
In these units, the information emitted from the computer is displayed on the screen at the same time. These types of units can only display as much information as they can fit on the screen at a time. The following information is removed from the screen when other information is to be displayed.
પાંચ વર્ષ પૂર્ણ કરનાર સીઆરસી બીઆરસીઓને છુટા કરાશે* સમાચાર પર નજર
રાજ્ય સરકારે કોરોના મામલે પ્રતિબંધો હળવા રાજ્ય સરકારે કોરોનાની નવી SOP જાહેર
ABP અસ્મિતા પર પેંશન પર ડિબેટ LIVE રાત્રે 8 કલાકે 25/2/2022
This type of output unit can be used while the user is working directly on the computer. There are two types of VDU. (1) White - Dark MonoChrome (2) Color EGA EGA CGA: Color Graphic Adapter EGA: Enhanced Graphic Adapter Storage Device Storage Device Monitor Output VGA. VGA. Mono VGA Mono VGA / XGA CCD LCD CCD / LCD.
રજા અને પેન્શન ના હેતુસર સેવા સળંગ ગણવા બાબત (24/2/2022)