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Rajesh Prajapati


All the students wash their hands and feet and sit down to eat.  The quality of the food provided during the lunch is checked by the teachers.  The kitchen for lunch as well as the seating area for the students are kept clean.   The sub-sector is water, toilet and health.  90% of students attending school regularly take advantage of lunch.  Haj  90% of students in school regularly take advantage of mid-day meal.  

Less than 60% of the students present in the school regularly take advantage of the middle meal.  All the students wash their hands, feet and mouth and sit down to eat.  100 students of the school wash their hands, feet and mouth and sit down to eat.  90% of the students in the school wash their hands, feet and face and sit down to eat. 

 90% of the students in the school wash their hands, feet and face and sit down to eat.  90% of the students in the school wash their hands, feet and mouth and sit down to eat.  90% of the students of the school sit down to eat with their hands, feet and mouth washed, the students of the school do not sit down to eat after washing their hands, feet and mouth.

  The quality of cooking provided to the students under the mid-day meal scheme is regularly checked by the teachers.  The quality of the food is checked daily by the teachers.  Meal quality is checked by teachers every two days.  Meal quality is checked by teachers two days a week.  Meal quality is checked by teachers one day in a week.  The quality of the food is checked by the teachers sometimes fortnightly.  

The quality of the food is not checked by the teachers.  The kitchen of the mid-day meal scheme, dining area, cooking and serving utensils, utensils used by the students for dining are cleaned regularly and thoroughly.  The kitchen, dining area, utensils and utensils of the mid-day meal plan are cleaned regularly.  The kitchen, dining area, utensils and utensils of the mid-day meal plan are mostly cleaned. 

*✍️ધોરણ-1 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-2 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-3 ગણિત*

✍️ધોરણ-4 ગણિત*

*✍️ધોરણ-5 પર્યાવરણ*

*✍️ધોરણ-6 સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન*

*✍️ધોરણ-7 સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન*

*✍️ધોરણ-8 સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન*

✍️ધોરણ-10 અંગ્રેજી*

*✍️ધોરણ-12 રસાયણ વિજ્ઞાન*

 The kitchen, utensils and utensils of the mid-day meal plan are cleaned regularly.  Dining space is also inherited twice a week.  |  The kitchen, utensils and utensils of the mid-day meal plan are mostly cleaned, but the dining area is cleaned once a week.  The kitchen, dining area, equipment and utensils of the mid-day meal plan are seldom done.  

PSE અને SSE ની હોલ ટીકીટ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

શાળા કોલેજ માટે ખેલ મહાકુંભમાં રજિસ્ટ્રેશન કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

100 % હાજરી શાળા ઑફલાઈન કરવા અંગે શિક્ષણ વિભાગ નો 18-2-22નો લેટર વાંચવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

The kitchen of the mid-day meal scheme is not kept clean or tidy.  Toilet facilities as well as emphasis on the health of the students.  Criteria 1.  Easy availability of potable water to all students.  Regular cleaning with water facility (tank) and proper toilet facilities.  Adequate availability of water in all toilets.  The following decisions are taken after evaluation of the school principal, teachers and students in the school based on the aforesaid criteria of physical hygiene of the students.  

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