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Rajesh Prajapati


Order '' Life Education - Criteria Score * Easy availability of potable water for all students. Adequate water is available in all the toilets provided by the water facility (tank) and proper cleaning of toilets.  The physical hygiene of the students of the school is   Excellent good ૫ ૩ Drinking water is readily available to all students.

Drinking water is readily available for all students.  Drinking water is readily available for most students.  Drinking water is readily available for more than half of the students.  Drinking water is readily available for less than half of the students.  Drinking water is readily available for very few students.  Drinking water is not readily available for students.  

Very good  In addition, the cleaning of school toilets is done regularly by using acid-fly etc.  Toilet cleaning is done daily.  Toilet cleaning is done 3 times a week with suitable materials.  Toilet cleaning is done 07 times a week by a proper sanshri.  Toilet cleaning is done 01 times a week with proper materials.  Toilet cleaning is done 01 times in fortnight with proper materials.  Toilet cleaning is sometimes done with the right materials.  

Adequate water is available for washing hands and feet after using the toilet during the day as well as for cleaning the toilet and water supply system is planned and implemented in all the toilets in the school.  There is tap water in and out of every toilet.  

Water is available through tap outside the toilet.  A plastic container filled with water is available in the drum cement tank toilet.  A hand pump bucket is filled with water outside the toilet.  The hand pump bucket outside the toilet is filled with water but not enough.  Not enough water is available for toilets. 

 The physical hygiene of the students of the school is ensured to be checked properly.  The physical hygiene of the students of the school is checked regularly and the parents are informed.  The physical hygiene of the students of the school is checked daily.  The physical hygiene of the students of the school is checked every week.

  The physical hygiene of the students of the school is checked every month.  The physical hygiene of the students of the school is checked every six months.  .  School students are not tested for physical hygiene.  Here is an explanation of the evaluation structure under Gunotsav 2.0.  The specialty of this structure is also its flexibility.  

This structure can be modified as required every year.  In Covid's situation when students were not in school this assessment has been assessed by making necessary changes in the structure.

તા- 17/2/2022 ધોરણ-3 નો વિડિયો જોવા અહી ક્લિક કરો.

તા- 17/2/2022 ધોરણ-4 નો વિડિયો જોવા અહી ક્લિક કરો.

તા- 17/2/2022 ધોરણ-5 નો વિડિયો જોવા અહી ક્લિક કરો.

તા-17/2/2022 ધોરણ-6 નો વિડિયો જોવા અહી ક્લિક કરો.

તા- 17/2/2022 ધોરણ-7 નો વિડિયો જોવા અહી ક્લિક કરો.

તા- 17/2/2022 ધોરણ-8 નો વિડિયો જોવા અહી ક્લિક કરો.

એક કદમ આગળ 71માં સપ્તાહ સુધીના પ્રશ્નો માટે અહીં જ ક્લિક કરો

રાજ્યના તમામ CNG પંપ બાબત આજના સમાચાર વાંચો અહીંથી

મહામારી / લોકોને મોટી રાહત : દેશમાં કોરોના ડાઉન, હરિયાણામાં તમામ પ્રતિબંધો હટાવવાની જાહેરાત

સોમવારથી તમામ શાળાઓ કોલેજો સંપૂર્ણ રીતે ઓફ લાઇન શિક્ષણ શરૂ થશે બાબતના સમાચાર

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