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Rajesh Prajapati


Life lessons learn to listen and read social cues.  They also learn to think in terms of what to communicate and how to communicate effectively, confidence in speaking, in discussion, in debate, in problem solving is a good start to acquiring skills.  

The student becomes self-reliant in his / her own learning, where the teacher has to assume the role of coordinator as well as guide in his / her learning process.  Encouraging curiosity and the ability to make a child's life more complex ઃ Children are fully involved in the learning process. 

 The aim is to help them make personal connections and explain the meaning of new material and to integrate this teaching with what they already know.  The acquisition of knowledge is to help and real life situation skills are important.  Children should be encouraged to think and ask questions when they do not understand. 

 The initial goal of education is for the learners to acquire knowledge, to understand what they have achieved, and to learn by making decisions to solve problems as an experiment of that knowledge.  A process of consideration is required.  There is a contextual connection between the respective pieces of knowledge of thought.  

Thought-process connects thought points.  With reading and writing, if the learner is unable to make a connection between his life and the subject, the subject loses its meaning.  The school should provide an environment where the student can develop the subjects, themes and skills as well as the ability to see the relationship between school and life outside the classroom.

  Integrated and holistic development through three goals: National Education Policy 2020 focuses on holistic development of children.  There are different areas of development.  Such as - physical and muscular development, socio-emotional development, literacy and numeracy development, cognitive development, spiritual and values ​​development, art and aesthetic development, which are interdependent and interrelated. 

 This enables you to work in a developmental state.  All these areas fall under three important goals, which are briefly discussed here.  Developmental Goal Childrin Moinfoin Good ilah revd Weising (5) 3n Developmental Goal 2 Children Become Effective Communicators (EC) Deelepartal Osel my by - tr  The basic years are of critical importance for optimal physical, socio-emotional and psychosocial health and well-being.  

*✍️ધોરણ-3 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-4 અંગ્રેજી*

*✍️ધોરણ-5 અંગ્રેજી*

*✍️ધોરણ-6 સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન*

*✍️ધોરણ-7 સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન*

*✍️ધોરણ-8 સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન*

*✍️ધોરણ-10 વિજ્ઞાન*

*✍️ધોરણ-12 ભૌતિક વિજ્ઞાન*

These are the years when children should be given real opportunities and encouragement.  The five senses develop, their large and thin bones and muscles become stronger and their hand and eye coordination improves.  Which is a prerequisite for them to be able to write in later years.

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