Talim module update
This information or data mainly includes information useful to general investors such as current NAV of different schemes of the fund, previous name, changes made in it, percentage or amount of return in different periods, type of scheme, etc.,
including the performance of each scheme The cheetah comes. Agents also keep up-to-date. Mutual fund's big agents make their customer's portfolio information available in an updated or online form, not just for each scheme, in a way that their customers can see and know on their website whenever they want.
In addition to the information on how much growth has taken place, how the folio of their investment is distributed, the various sectors in which their investment is distributed is also given, which can be reviewed by the investor to make his next decision.
All these services are available to them as an investor-customer without any additional charge. Along with this, news of mutual fund industry also keeps coming. After seeing the basic issues about mutual funds now Mu. Let us understand some practical points of the fund, which will be more useful in understanding it.
ધોરણ 5 પર્યાવરણ તાલીમ મોડ્યુલ 2021