e Wigger (1985-65 (Second Generation Computer (1985-6)): First-generation commuters used second-generation nazisters (transines) to solve problems arising in the vacuum ducts. The heat dissipation was reduced and the size of the computer was reduced. The labor speed of the computer was also increased.
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The storage capacity was also improved. Now it is possible to work in standard language like ALOL and FORTRAN instead of working in mechanical language. IBM 1620 This is an example of a second generation butter, as shown in Figure 23, Figure 1: Transistor slis Wilsyze (1965-90) (Third Generation Computers (1965-809): Integrated soil (IC) was used instead of a transistor in the third generation hut.
A silicone whip was placed in front of it.The silicone chip occupies less than 1/8 inch of space and is embedded in its 10 commuters - Study: 9 with many electronic components such as hammers, transistors, capacitors etc. There were. Figure 2.4 shows the integrated circuit on the chip. The wires in the circuit became smaller. The carburetor became smaller in size, faster in operation and flexible in input and output. Third generation pigeons could meet the needs of a small business.
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These commuters soon became popular as mini commuters. IBM 360, PDF 8 and PDF 11 are examples of third generation Putter. Figure »Integrated Circuit - swyr (1980-89) (Fourth Generation Computers (1980-89)) The fourth generation boot used a very large amount of Ic, called VLSI (Very Logo Scale Integration). Due to this, these types of pigeons were very fast, very small and more reliable, the fourth generation cutters developed into interactive machines in a very short time and accelerated the task of creating appropriations.
This generation of crabs became more user-friendly and easier to use for personal use. Hence this 342 2432 (Personal Computers - PC) su. IBM PC a Apple 1 z louet suyzz - ul is an example. The fourth generation computer also includes CSKAY's Upper Computer. Superbutter is the best in terms of processing capacity and cost. Ma Commuter is able to implement many voice notifications in one second. It is used in appropriations that require extensive mathematical calculations, such as chevrolet analysis, weather forecasting and other complex and intricate appropriations. Kapoor network technology also spread during this period. vivl WA - li suze (1989 - *** (Fifth Generation Computern (1989 - tal date)): (to date)