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Rajesh Prajapati


Poet Kalapi Laljibhai b.  Panchal Balmitro, the name of the poet Kalapi makes you feel like a legend.  Must have heard in life and poetry.  January 8th, i.e., the Republic Day of such a king, poet and dear friend of Rijuday, is his birthday.  

વોટસએપ ગ્રુપમાં જોડાવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

Yoga is rarely seen.  Let us get acquainted with the life of Surasinhji Gohil - Gujarat as a poet and a lover of "Kalapi" and Prajavatsal Raja for his contribution to Gujarati literature.  Chiranjeev has achieved a place.  In this royal dawn of Lathi village near the Gohilvansh-royal family of Lathi in Amreli Saurashtra, Kalapi was born on January 8, 19, at the age of only 26 years, like the star of Venus.  

His original name was Virah Takht Singhji Gohil in Surasinhji short life.  Who later came to be known as "Kalapi".  From an early age, he was married to Rama, a virgin from Kutch, at the age of sixteen.  The monarchy and what happened, but when he fell in love with Dasi Monghi, he used to get bored with her.  Thus taught made ornaments from expensive. 

 In spite of his mind, his constant effort to become a skilled ruler kept brainstorming between love and duty.  Did.  Letters on Manilal Nabhubhai Dwivedi, like the poet's sweet-smelling and sweet-smelling jam in his poems, on Manilal Nabhubhai Dwivedi, his best contribution in his short life of twenty-six years became the richness of Gujarati literature.  Manilal Thaya.  A. The work of shaping children is great and holy.

વોટસએપ ગ્રુપમાં જોડાવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

ધોરણ 12ના તમામ વિડીયો જોવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

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