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Nmms online seb exam 2021
Rajesh Prajapati


Book Introduction Dr.  Chandrakant Bhogayata Yoga of the great worldview of teaching: the stars of education: Seems to reside in almost all teachers.  In the eyes of worldly wise people like Ishwar Parmar, the author of Sattvasheel books on education is going to be annoyed by these teachers.  

Recently, teachers from all walks of life have been introduced to the stars of education from pre-primary education to those working in all walks of life, from the point of view of education to higher education. The book also has mansukh teachers.  In the book 'Shikshanana Sitara', the author has made the motto of Gujarat's 'Nakkar Kalidas' play Shakuntal meaningful.  Introducing the noble teachers. Read this book which gives the praise of a teacher at a slow rate.  

The teacher is happy at night, ”he said.  Chambakbhai Mankodi's sketch is a vivid illustration of the heartbreaking pedagogy and the teacher's fanaticism for the mere exchange of teacher knowledge.  The protagonists of these sketches - the heroines 65 teachers - of course, these teachers will be the best teachers, but there are teachers, some of them are very well known teachers  Introduced using heroes.  The teacher's place in this education is key as he has chosen the book as the formula for the development of pedagogy and from the given list of personalities. 

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 Some of the teachers who are the protagonists of good and true sketches can make a difference in the lives of students.  These are good for the society: Arisinh Rana, R.  S.  Trivedi, Ismailbhai need teachers.  So 'good teachers are born, not made' Sheikh, Ushabahen Jani, Gunwant Shah, Gauribhai Bhatt, Jayendra The belief is true that then Shiyan, training, and experiences from different stages of development through Trivedi, Takht Singh Parmar, Chambakbhai Mankodi, Dilip Ranapura  Good Purushottam Mavalankar, Q.  Trivedi, Pratimabahen Bhatt, Madhubhai become teachers?  This is a simple question. 

 Butch, Moolshankar Bhatt, Yashwant Shukla, Ramesh Dave, Ramchandra Ishwar Parmar's book 'Shikshanana Sitara' in the book Devpurkar, Vasantbahen Parmar.  Subhadrabahen Shroff, Sumatibahen by carefully studying the sketches we are good and doctor.  Sumanbhai Vaidya, Surasangbhai Chauhan, and Haresh Luprint of the formation and development of true teachers, Dholakia of pedagogy.  The area of ​​birth of these teachers ranges from 1905 (Manibhai Sutra comes into being. Parents, these teachers were students Vora) to 196: (Manibhai Vaghela).  

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The old and then school-college teachers, the struggles of their lives, the new teachers of both generations are introduced here and the circumstances, and these teachers themselves keep creating them.  There are good teachers like ‘miracles happen even today’.  mother father .  Teachers, conflicts and the teachers themselves are born like this even today 'are the governing elements of the chemical formula of pedagogy from these diagrams.  

The snake stays.  Some of these teachers, out of their own interest, described the profession as a teacher, some of the teachers were helpless in the story. Thus, the personalities of the teachers outlined here came into the profession, yet all these teachers have immense diversity, but radiance, unconditional affection, social fulfillment.  


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