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Rajesh Prajapati


Kokilabahen Joshi of Savaku Dala (Dist. Amreli) has written two articles pertaining to Hindi Grammar of Category K7 with details of prefixes and pronouns for the achievement of Ability 5.7.2 and 2.7.5 respectively.  He has given a list of Sanskrit, Hindi and Urdu prefixes used in Hindi language, their meanings and examples of word formation using them.  Apart from this, he has also given a list of important suffixes used in Hindi language and the words formed from it.  

In addition his second article gives the types of pronouns and their examples;  Explaining ‘factors’, showing the types of ‘factors’.  He has also given a detailed list of synonyms as well as antonyms used in Hindi.  Both his articles seem to be very helpful for teaching Hindi grammar to the teachers who teach the children of category 7.  Gambhirsinh Ture (Pvt. School, Nana Tradia, Ta. Dhandhuka) holds his M.Ed.  

The essence of the research done in the context of the study of Na is sent through a nice fun article.  He has proven through his research that multi-medium capsules play a very effective role in effectively reaching out to children in primary school yoga.  As well as recommending teachers to equip and use teaching technology for innovation in education.  

Primary School, Kadara, Ta.  Rajesh Kumar Patel, a teacher from Olpad (Dist. Surat), has presented his philosophical ideology in a beautiful and twisted letter on both the subjects of 'Teacher - Discipline, Forgiveness and Compassion' and 'Teacher's Place in the Current Education System'.  In the first article, the three virtues of discipline, forgiveness and compassion are elaborated and the belief that only a teacher adorned with these three ornaments can make the school a pilgrimage.  


પરીક્ષા આપવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

In his second article: ‘The teacher is the mastermind.  He has to identify the children and bring out his implicit powers.  The teacher has to play an important role in the current education, he pointed out.  (Continued) Siddhachakra Apartment, 2nd Floor, Lot 834A, K.  That.  Avenue, Bhavnagar, should try to bridge the gap between education and everyday life by raising the necessary issues for empathy and curiosity in children.  

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