There are also. Economic Assistance (Scholarships), Uniforms Provide Activity etc. Trying to maintain balance at all levels in students. Is the golae. Students, guardians or teachers have no ply-piercing glands today. Do not So the school is being synchronized. Tam - Tata - knowing the achievement of diversity in different competitions.
The certifications that come from the certifications, which are the attitude of bringing innovation in classrooms, konik tools, muck equipment, etc. And the second number in the district has received the school's location. * Social life-related contributions: Mr. Guerjar's society has been found in social leadership and service activities, the school family has kept the activities of all the classes of society in the celebration of school, the school family has been involved in the activities of society.
Parents have contributed to school generously. The population of the village population and most will be made in place. Although the school has been the center of the society and they are handled in different activities of society. In the school, they have invited social workers to the leading persons, rural workers and their service. Social requirement is held by school activities. Such as plantation, synthes, medical treatment, to save fodder to save livestock. Services in social approach etc.
Social approach etc. The performance of the society's youth is held by his honor ceremony. The old shestness of the village has been verified. Literacy campaigns, adults have been educated, untouchability prevention, cardiovarians have been organized by the Yong. As a consultant in the Mr. Gurger Thwark, the Milk Church has served as a guide to the milk and in different co-operative societies.
They have social service by participating in religious occasions and folk cultural programs. Hence you have the young congregation, rural institutions have made children's evolution works, the walmouse is going to fall behind the school and interests in the development of children. Thus Mr. Gumer has gained a leadership in the power limit as a servant of the village as a teacher of the school and gram well-being as a parental teacher.
In the school's worky activities, their leadership in social sector activities and achievement have been excellent. Maybe: "Bridge" District Education and Training Bhavan - Palanpur Dayshaphan: (Gijbhai gives you!? Read ... and receive an excellent responsive, read ... and receive an excellent response! More details ... each book is a miracle streets and each author.