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Matter of assigning higher salary standard salary at district level.

Rajesh Prajapati
Subject: - Matter of assigning higher salary standard salary at district level. 
Gujarati title : uchchtar pagar bandhani babar shikshak sangh ni rajaut
      The matter is presented to the teachers from the service book. The matter is submitted to the teachers. The representation is applicable to the teachers of the entire state of Gujarat.

 Sir, compliment to the above subject research of Gujarat State Primary Teachers Union to inform that at present in the local fund U.P.Dho.  7 Sevapothis are being accepted once a month in each taluka for approval.  If the government has given the benefit of seniority to the teachers recruited from 19th to 2010 and fixed salary to all the teachers till date, in addition to 1 lakh teachers from all over the state. 

 It has to be sent to Gandhinagar for approval and a service book has to be revised two to three times.  At present, only 6 service books are taken from each taluka every month, so teachers will not be able to get this benefit for years.  So our humble request to Aap Saheshri is that most of the establishments in the state belong to primary teachers.  Therefore, instead of Gandhinagar for salary fixation only for primary teachers, the L.F.  To make arrangements to be approved by the office so that our primary teachers can get the benefit of UPD in time which is requested to be reduced.

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